Kyoto Kaisho Foundation
Our Story
Kyoto Kaisho Foundation is dedicated to identifying and promoting undervalued cultural elements in Japan. Our projects focus on areas of Japan that offer powerful opportunities for cultural revival. Recent projects include promoting the ancient dyeing and weaving traditions of Kyoto; promoting samurai culture of Fukushima; reviving a major pilgrimage center in Fukuoka, and promoting the profound relationship between the arts and Zen.
Educational activities include workshops with students and adults to promote civic pride and opportunities for cultural exchange beyond their local community. Most of the support for Kyoto Kaisho’s educational programs come from government grants. We are often dependent on the contributions of private supporters to realize many of our cultural projects.
Your Support
Your contribution to the Kyoto Kaisho Foundation will help to ensure that the communities we document, and the traditions they dedicate their lives to, will continue for future generations.
Please contact us for details on our programs and the benefits we offer.
Interested in supporting Kyoto Kaisho?
Request for support
Kyoto Kaisho's educational programs are mostly supported by government grants.
However, the actual recording of the filming and media outreach are supported by the support of individual people.
Your donation to Kyoto Kaisho helps ensure that the communities we record and the traditions to which they devote their lives are passed on to future generations.
For more information on our programs and benefits, or if you are interested in supporting Kyoto Kaisho, please contact us.